Some Facts about Brahmand...

1. It was hot when it was young.

2. It will be cold when it grows old.

3. The Universe spans a diameter of over 150 billion light years.

4. The Universe is 13.7 billion years old.

5. The Earth is not flat – but the Universe is.

6. There is no such thing as the Universe’s center.

7. There is a supermassive black hole at the heart of every galaxy.

8. The Universe has the same temperature everywhere.

9. 95% of the Universe is invisible.

10. Most of the stuff in the Universe has repulsive gravity.

11. The Sun is producing only a third of the neutrinos expected.

12. The Universe was born.

13. Most planetary systems are different from ours.

14. The first gravitational waves detected came from a binary black hole system nobody predicted.

15. When you look into the night sky, you are looking back in time.

16. There’s a giant cloud of alcohol in Sagittarius B.

17. There’s a planet-sized diamond in Centaurus named after a Beatles song.

18. It takes 225 million years for our Sun to travel round the galaxy.

19. Our solar system’s biggest mountain is on Mars.

20. Uranus spins on its side, with some rather strange results.

21. A year on Venus is shorter than its day.

22. Neutron stars are the fastest spinning objects known in the universe.

23. A spoonful of a neutron star weighs about a billion ton.

24. It is estimated there are 400 billion stars in our galaxy.

25. There could be 500 million planets capable of supporting life in our galaxy.

26. There are probably more than 170 billion galaxies in the observable universe.

27. The human brain is the most complex object in the known universe.

28. We are all made of stardust.

29. It was predicted that our Universe is expanding at a rate about 67.36 kilometers per second.

30. There is a water Reservoir floating in space that is equivalent to 140 trillion times all the water in the world's ocean.